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Monday, March 10, 2025

"The Biblical Hebrew Verb" (John A. Cook)

TITLE: The Biblical Hebrew Verb: A Linguistic Introduction (Learning Biblical Hebrew)
AUTHOR: John A. Cook
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024, (352 pages).

Why a book just on verbs? Why is this book important? Who can best benefit from this book? Why would anyone read this book? These questions might be good to ask before picking up this book. It is academic and technical, even for Hebrew students. It is important for students, pastors, preachers, and anyone wanting a more in-depth knowledge of the Hebrew Bible. As a linguistic introduction, this book aims to broaden our learning and understanding of the nuances demonstrated by Hebrew verbs.

From "valency" to "tense-aspect-mood/modality," students can find it challenging to deal with when, how, and where verbs manage both subjects and objects. Other nuances include the use of tenses (time-based), aspect (temporal nature), and mood (actual vs potential). The author recognizes an existing gap between scholarly treatises and textbook treatments of the topic. The former might be too technical or academic for new students while the latter lacks the space to explain the vast complexities of the Hebrew verb. In filling this "niche," it is hoped that students will develop a "linguistic framework" to connect the literal meaning with the historical contexts. This will enable one to give clearer linguistic explanations of the verb in question. This road is often uphill and requires much diligence. As an introductory book, author John Cook provides us many examples to facilitate our learning. Chapter One covers the "Linguistic Background" to show us how Latin-mindsets differ from Semitic-mindsets; various linguistic theories used; terminologies; and the differences between "text" and "language." Hebrew being a more "Internal-language" can be quite challenging for English-language speakers. This is more so when we are asked: "Which Hebrew? Biblical, Rabbinic, or Modern?" 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

"Surprised by Grace" (Kevin P. Joyce)

TITLE: Surprised By Grace: A Spiritual Journey from West to East and Back
AUTHOR: Kevin Patrick Joyce
PUBLISHER: New York, NY: Crossroad Publishing, 2024, (240 pages).
This book is about the author's spiritual memoir of his journey from faith to commitment; theological education to ordination; and his engagement with spiritual experiences from both East and West. Since he was 11, Kevin Joyce has strong calling for the priesthood, so strong that he chose it over romance, a career in medicine, and other youthful endeavors. He grappled with various emotions and contexts throughout his youth. He left the seminary for a time to pursue other goals instead of the priesthood. He nearly committed to a long-term relationship with Antonia, only to realize he was not ready. Ultimately, together with his family background, prominent spiritual influence from his maternal grandmother, his positive impressions of Church Mass, and realizing the reality of Jesus' Resurrection, he returned to his religious vocation. He has two purposes in this book. First, to share his learning from spiritual masters. Second, to compare the spiritual paths and traditions of both East (Vedic) and West (Christian). This is Kevin Joyce's conversion, confession, exploration, redemption, and re-commitment story.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

"Reviving Mission" (Linson Daniel, Jon Hietbrink, and Eric Rafferty)

TITLE: Reviving Mission: Awakening to the Everyday Movement of God
AUTHOR: Linson Daniel, Jon Hietbrink, and Eric Rafferty
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2024, (240 pages).
Are missions outdated? Does God still speak today with signs and wonders? Is there any similar outpouring of the Spirit like the 20th-century Azuza Street revival? Are revivals a thing of the past? Are revivals in general considered anomalies? Inspired by the Asbury revival of 2023 which spread to several campuses in America, the authors of this book excitedly proclaimed that mission can be revived. This book is about reviving: a) our conceptions of mission; b) the impact of mission on the people we are sent to; and c) the impact of mission on the people who are sent. Instead of jettisoning the old ways of mission, the authors urge us to renew our old ways in terms of re-contextualization. Go back to Jesus as the root of all missions. Follow the ways of Jesus in everyday living. Be Christlike to all. Claiming that "The Old Way is an Everyday Way," they encourage us to follow Jesus' ordinary life in an ordinary society. Once we recognize the many similarities of first-century culture and our modern society, we can breathe new life into the ordinary. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

"Sacred Attachment" (Michael John Cusick)

TITLE: Sacred Attachment: Escaping Spiritual Exhaustion and Trusting in Divine Love
AUTHOR: Michael John Cusick
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2025, (192 pages).

Embodied living by faith is better than explanations about faith. The experience transcends knowledge. Feeling loved is far better than talking about love. Information does not necessarily lead to spiritual formation. We can try hard to grow spiritually but become frustrated at the lack of progress. The key thesis of this book is that divine growth comes from a combination of feeling loved and trusting God. The former comes from being seen, soothed, feeling safe and secure. The latter flows out from the results of the 4S paradigm. This 4S sequence is the essence of the author's "Sacred Attachment." Beginning with being SEEN, we are reminded that God sees us, either directly or via the communities we are in. Being seen virtually means we are understood as we hear the words "I get you." This stage lays the foundation of being SOOTHED where God or our carer(s) say to us: "I've got you." The third stage is SAFE (I've got this) and the final stage is SECURE (Love has me). Author Michael John Cusick believes that these 4S encapsulate our emotional needs and human longings. It sets out for us the path toward Sacred Attachment. Using attachment theory, Cusick believes that spiritual growth is best cultivated when our "immature infant brain" gets attached to a "mature adult brain," so that we can better organize and regulate the way we learn and grow. Our limitations stem from a false paradigm that as long as we do the right things, we will naturally grow. We often believe lies about ourselves or our capabilities. We trust ourselves more than God. Our self-dependence leads us toward the perfectionism trap while Cusick reminds us about the superiority of Hebrew wisdom over Greek philosophy. Using Brain McLaren's words, he affirms that "Hebrew good is better than Greek perfect." Once we recognize our human limitations, that we are broken but not bad, we are ready to turn the page toward confession. Here, Cusick gives us the 5Ws to show us how these affect the way we attach to God. These 5Ws are:

Thursday, January 9, 2025

"Preaching in a New Key" (Mark R. Glanville)

TITLE: Preaching in a New Key: Crafting Expository Sermons in Post-Christian Communities
AUTHOR: Mark R. Glanville
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2025, (240 pages)
Our audiences are changing. Culture is shifting. So too are people's expectations. While we should not follow worldly ways, preachers must be aware of new cultural attitudes and changing paradigms. Expository preaching is needed but it needs to be adjusted in a manner that connects with modern listeners. Australian-Canadian pastor and author Mark Glanville helps us contextualize our message sensitively to changing cultural movements. Trained in Haddon Robinson's Big-Idea Preaching and updated with Graham Johnson and Tim Keller's apologetic approaches, Glanville feels that expository preaching needs to move with changing times. A paradigm shift is needed for a post-Christian culture. Our preaching strategies need to change simply because our audiences are changing. This itself is not a new idea. This book casts fresh light on expository preaching for a new post-Christian generation. Glanville intends this book to be an introductory textbook for new preachers and a "recalibration" for experienced ones. His thesis is this: Expository preaching needs to form communities that will participate in God's big redemption plan to bring healing and hope to the communities we are in.

Monday, January 6, 2025

"Evangelical Idolatry" (Jeff Mikels)

TITLE: Evangelical Idolatry: How Pastors Like Me Have Failed the People of God
AUTHOR: Jeff Mikels
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2025, (256 pages).
Why are there so many people who were baptized but not growing as Christians in daily life? Why are Church people ready to discuss love but not demonstrate it on social media? Why do people trust Fox News more than the words of Jesus? If Christians preach love thy neighbour, why is it not seen more frequently in daily interactions? From social media to politics, pastor Jeff Mikels shares three events that led to personal changes from hope to disappointment:  Donald Trump's impeachment trial, the pandemic, and the murder of George Floyd. All three events touch on the sensitivities surrounding politics, race, and religion. He encounters deeper discouragement and disillusion as he tries to change his messaging to adapt to the changing environment. Dealing with cultures, and increasingly subcultures are damaging to Church health. As a pastor, and now an ex-pastor, Mikels feels he failed at several levels. Even as he tries to find out the reasons behind the disappointments, he attempts to expose false teachings and presumptions both personal and external. This book is about that journey of exposing personal weaknesses and worldly idolatry. Beginning with "Evangelicalism has idols," Mikels attempts to uncover false beliefs happening within the Church, especially the American evangelical Church. His main target: Idolatry within evangelicalism. Writing as a former pastor, he begins with his personal disillusionment and disappointment with the Church. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

"The Prayer of Unwanting" (David Williams)

TITLE: The Prayer of Unwanting
AUTHOR: David Williams
PUBLISHER: Minneapolis, MN: Broadleaf Books, 2025, (176 pages).
Many have heard of the bestselling book "The Prayer of Jabez." Despite its attractive thesis, it is still a prayer contrasting sharply with the Lord's Prayer. The key difference is the focus. While the Lord's Prayer is how we yield ourselves to God's will, the Jabez Prayer's key thesis is about making God yield to our wants and needs. Enters this book about the essence of prayer. Entitled "The Prayer of Unwanting," it pushes back against almost everything the bestselling book on the Jabez Prayer is all about. Author and pastor David Williams gives us this book as a guide to the essence of what the Lord's Prayer is all about. As far as Williams is concerned, the Lord's Prayer is not a magical list of verses that we can use to bring God to our needs. Rather, it is an opportunity to think more of God and less about us. He guides us through the entire prayer with an exposition of the prayer snippets.

Beginning with "Our Father," he points out that prayer is a personal connection with God as our Heavenly Father. "Who Art in Heaven" lifts us above this finite world toward hope in the Infinite God. We learn to see the proximity of what it means to live heavenly thoughts on earth. "Hallowed Be Thy Name" focuses on holiness. Williams laments about the lack of holy awareness in this world even among believers. This prayer for holiness comes when we learn to let go of our earthly anxieties and gaze at God's holiness. The fourth snippet, "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, on earth as it is in heaven" takes us to the heart of Jesus. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

"The Art of Preaching Old Testament Poetry" (Steven D. Mathewson)

TITLE: The Art of Preaching Old Testament Poetry
AUTHOR: Steven D. Mathewson
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024, (256 pages).
This is an excellent book about preaching from the wisdom and poetic books of the Old Testament. Filled with lots of biblical insights, historical backgrounds, and illuminating observations, preachers will be excited when reading about the many ways to approach the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. Written for those who preach and teach Scripture, author and professor Steven Mathewson takes us through these five books, to give us tips on teaching and preaching strategies. He typically begins with a description of what the texts are saying. He patiently elucidates the purposes of each book by ensuring that we do not put the cart before the horse. For instance, in Psalms, he shows us the emotive components of the Psalms, to ensure we are aware of the stance of each psalm and the emotional plot development. In Proverbs, he reminds us to be mindful of Proverbs 1:1-7, which shows us the purposes of the wisdom texts. In Job, he reminds us to discern the structure and flow of the arguments and counter-arguments. In Ecclesiastes, he calls us to first examine the structure, and understand its perspective, keywords, and concepts, before preaching it. He covers the general and specific structures of the book, taking care to supply the framework of the book before leading us through some powerful strategies for preaching. That is not all. He gives us helpful resources for studying and preaching, leading us to some of the most valuable resources for the Bible book concerned. For instance, in Proverbs, he recommends Bruce Waltke's monumental work on Proverbs. For Job, he highlights John Walton's NIV Application Commentary and Daniel Estes's Teach the Text series, etc. For Ecclesiastes, he takes guidance from Iain Provan, Craig Bartholomew, etc. Many pointers can also be gleaned from "The Big Idea Companion for Preaching and Teaching." Mathewson uses Dr. Haddon Robinson's Big-Idea expository Preaching throughout the book. This is no surprise given that the late professor was his mentor. (Dr. Robinson was my mentor too!) At the end of the book, Mathewson gives us six sample sermons, two from Psalms and one from each of the other Bible books concerned to illustrate his points. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

"Discern" (Mark E. Thibodeaux)

TITLE: Discern: Listening for God's Whispers
AUTHOR: Mark E. Thibodeaux
PUBLISHER: Chicago, IL: Loyola Press, 2024, (100 pages).
How do we listen to God? The Bible tells how Elijah could distinguish God's voice from the earthly elements of earthquake, wind, and fire? In a busy distraction-filled world, how do we discern God's leading? Based on the teachings of St Ignatius of Loyola, author Mark Thibodeaux leads us through the two key Ignatian themes: Consolation and Desolation. Consolation is feeling uplifted, peaceful, and connected to God. Desolation is a state of emptiness, restlessness, or inner turmoil. The way of discernment is the way of consolation over desolation. Each page comprises a subject to think, ponder, and pray about. Presented with a brief and concise description, the empty spaces let the subject percolate through our minds and encourage us to pray. We learn to distinguish listening to God versus listening to other voices of distraction. This requires fine-tuning our spiritual senses. It puts the being before the doing. Listening helps us detect the forces pulling us away or toward God. Each page shows us how to recognize the tensions between consolation and desolation. This includes questions to challenge ourselves. Discerning desolation are questions like: 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

"The Church in Dark Times" (Mike Cosper)

TITLE: The Church in Dark Times: Understanding and Resisting the Evil That Seduced the Evangelical Movement
AUTHOR: Mike Cosper
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024, (208 pages).

What are dark times? What are the risks facing the evangelical churches today? How do ordinary churches fall down the path of shame? What are the signs of seduction? What are the social and cultural influences that we need to be aware of? What ideological, spiritual, or structural factors are involved in scandals? These questions are dealt with in depth by Mike Cosper who had previously produced and hosted the podcast, "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill." Writing with Hannah Arendt's insights on human behaviour and experiences of abuse, he defines dark times under the umbrella of totalitarianism, and how totalitarian ideology is seductive to the modern mind. Churches need to discern and resist the temptation toward evil within their organizations. Anchored on the Bible verse to "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you," (James 4:7), author Mike Cosper exposes the telltale signs of abuses, conspiracies, denials, violence, and the infiltration of devilish ideologies that sought to hide the Truth. Using the defunct Mars Hill Church as a backdrop to the book, Cosper seeks to extend Arendt's reflections on her experiences with the evil Nazi regime. Dark times are not simply about totalitarianism. It includes how the world becomes disconnected from goodness and purpose. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

"Citizenship Without Illusions" (David Theodore Koyzis)

TITLE: Citizenship Without Illusions - A Christian Guide to Political Engagement
AUTHOR: David Theodore Koyzis
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2024, (168 pages).
The year 2024 is an Election Year in America. How do we vote? What guidelines are there to help us decide on which candidates are best for the country? What is the role of the Church in society? Should Christians get involved in politics at all? After the election, what should we do when our candidates of choice get outvoted? At the core of the discussion is the question of citizenship. Author David Koyzis is convinced that citizenship not only has its privileges, it carries a heavy responsibility. With this in mind, many are aware of the deep divisions in the country over the different political affiliations. With a keen awareness of the political turmoil happening throughout the country, he explores the nature, meaning, and history of citizenship matters. He looks at what it means to be a good citizen. That includes standing up for justice, being informed of matters around us; supporting our communities; volunteering in needy areas; and the courage to engage in activities that honour God. On voting, Koyzis first affirms one's right to vote and offers his perspectives on the issue of wasting one's votes. He regularly compares the political systems of Canada and the US to give context before providing his views. He even offers caveats for anyone wanting to set up a "Christian" political party. Recognizing that there will always be diverse views, the author urges all to maintain open conversational channels regardless of political alliances. 

Friday, November 8, 2024

"How to Read the Psalms" Revised (Tremper Longman III)

TITLE: How to Read the Psalms (How to Read Series)
AUTHOR:Tremper Longman III
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2025, (168 pages).
What are the biblical psalms about? Is Jesus referred to in the poetry? What does the repetitive verses mean? How do we read the Psalms? These are common questions asked by those who read the book of Psalms. For modern readers, the Bible is not easy to read simply because it has different genres. In the Old Testament, there are the historical books, narratives, poetry, and the prophetic books. The New Testament books contain the gospels, history, letters, and apocalyptic literature. Thus, there is no one set way to read and understand the Bible. The  "How To Read" series of books by IVP is intended to help readers learn to read the books in their different genres. One of the most popular books of the Bible is the Psalms. First published in 1988, the author helps us through the different literary devices of the 150 Psalms. While he does not go through every Psalm, he shows us how to build three bridges to understand them: Historical, Cultural, and Theological. The motivation behind these bridges is to deepen our love for God through reading the Psalms. The first part of this book looks at the historical contexts, asking questions about how the Psalms were understood and used in the ancient era. The second part zooms in on the art and use of literary devices. The third part demonstrates how we can bring all of this learning together and apply it to three psalms (30, 69, and 98). 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

"Our Cry For Revival" (Nick Harrison)

TITLE: Our Cry for Revival: 365 Devotions and Prayers for an Outpouring of God’s Spirit
AUTHOR: Nick Harrison
PUBLISHER: Brentwood, TN: B&H Publishing, 2024, (384 pages).
"Revival comes only through prayer," so declares the author of this book of daily devotionals. Throughout history, prayer has been the common trait in any revival movements recorded. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the Early Church to the present evangelical movements, God moves chiefly through the prayers of His people. The patriarchs touched God's heart through prayer. The prophets of old prayed constantly for God to intervene in their decaying world. The Pentecost event occurred when the disciples were praying together in unity. In our modern era, we have the First (18th Century) and Second Great Awakening (19th Century), the Azusa Street (20th Century), the Asbury Revival (1970), as well as the Asbury University blessing (2023), etc. All of these have one common thread: Earnest Prayer and Fast. How do we turn our prayers into desperate cries for revival? According to Nick Harrison, this devotional can be that guide. It is a daily guide through the whole year. Each day begins with a selected Scripture passage followed by a short devotion. Following that is a wise quote from a well-known believer, evangelist, pastor, preacher, professor, or spiritual writer. At the end of the devotion is a prayer prompt to kick start our prayer for revival. Written in an accessible and easy-to-read format, it takes less than a few minutes to read through the page. The reflection and prayer can last longer, perhaps throughout the day. 

The author believes that God creates a hunger in people for revival. Led by the Spirit, the people will start pouring out prayers in faith consistently and passionately. This is not a quick-fix solution. It is a call to sense God's calling, direction, and timing. With earnest praying comes various spiritual practices like confession, repentance, and obedience. As the popular song "Pass It On" says, "It only takes a spark to get the fire going." Our role then is to be spiritually flammable so that when God's spark comes, we ignite and become fire for God. We connect with God and with people. We then obey where the Spirit leads us toward. That is what revival is all about. 

Churches today need revival and they need it desperately. May this book spur more to join in the community of prayer for revival first in our immediate communities, then our neighbourhoods, our cities, our states, our nations, and throughout the world.

Nick Harrison is the author of more than a dozen books including Magnificent Prayer, The One-Year Life Recovery Prayer Devotional and five books in the One-Minute® Prayer series, including One-Minute Prayers® When You Need a Miracle. His books have been endorsed by Anne Graham Lotz, Jim Cymbala, Tony Evans, Sheila Walsh, Chip Ingram, and Lee Strobel. Nick has a background in the book world both as a bookstore owner and as a senior editor at Harvest House Publishers. Nick and his wife, Beverly are the parents of three grown daughters and grandparents to two boys and two girls.

Rating: 4 stars out of 5.


This book has been provided courtesy of B&H Publishing via NetGalley without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

"Films For All Seasons" (Abby Olcese)

TITLE: Films for All Seasons: Experiencing the Church Year at the Movies
AUTHOR: Abby Olcese
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2024, (240 pages).

Films are often influenced by the culture around us. After all, moviemakers are familiar with the need for relevance. This is necessary to reach popular appeal. In the same way, Christians living in this world ought to be aware of the cultural appeal happening in their realms of influence. Yet, culture does not stand still. It changes rapidly with various fads, fashion, and trends. How do we interpret culture from a Christian perspective? One avenue is through films. Author Abby Olcese is an avid observer of film and popular culture. She believes we can better understand the mood of the times just by noticing the messages and stories behind the movies. Believing that "stories rule our lives," just like how stories in the Bible communicate central biblical themes, the stories in movies can reveal cultural trends that we can be aware of. 

Without intentionality, understanding culture is like asking a fish to explain what water is. The author's underlying conviction is that Christians should influence the world and not the other way around. By learning to engage people through understanding the things that matter to people in our community, we can better communicate the gospel in ways that they can understand. Instead of choosing films at random, the author follows the Western Church calendar according to the different seasons that Christians follow. These are:

Sunday, October 27, 2024

"Puzzle Me Twice" (Alex Bellos)

TITLE: Puzzle Me Twice: 70 Simple Puzzles (Almost) Everyone Gets Wrong
AUTHOR: Alex Bellos
PUBLISHER: New York, NY, The Experiment, 2024, (224 Pages)
This book contains 70 of the author's favourite puzzles. From mathematical calculations to mind-twisters, tricky visuals to logical shapes, each puzzle presents a challenge that more than meets the eye. Each puzzle looks simple. Anyone attempting to solve the puzzle quickly is likely to get it wrong. Those who spend a longer time might err on the side of overthinking the solutions. Whatever it is, the author's intent is to challenge our everyday thinking by hoping that readers will "get the answers wrong to every puzzle" in the book. For example, trying to guess whether a tall teapot contains more tea when full compared to a shorter one can be deceiving. The eyes and the mind can sometimes outplay each other.  Another classic puzzle is the "Loopy Lineup" which challenges our investigative skills that involve memory, mathematics, and methodological deduction. One of the most fascinating puzzles in the book is "Years and Years" which asks us to deduce the age of Betsy. Called the "puzzle that almost everyone gets wrong," it humbles even the most cognitively confident person.  

What is interesting about this book is not just the puzzles but how it teaches us that speed is not everything. Most people who try to solve the puzzles quickly will be in for a surprise. Embedded in between some puzzles are wise words from famous philosophers and thinkers. These sayings point out the way our minds could think. Those who get the puzzle wrong can be encouraged that they are not alone. After all, these puzzles are carefully selected because they have stumped many people before. The first time we read the puzzles in this book, we will be fascinated by how wrong we are. The second time we do, we will be wiser. Most likely, we will take the puzzles and share them with others.

Overall, this book is entertaining and fun. The simple puzzles mean we can use them at any social event without much props or preparation. If this book can help us to be a little bit humbler, it would have been worth the price of the book. This book promises to be a load of fun at family or social gatherings.

Alex Bellos holds a degree in mathematics and philosophy from Oxford University. His bestselling books Here’s Looking at Euclid and The Grapes of Math have been translated into more than 20 languages and were both shortlisted for the Royal Society Science Book prize. His puzzle books include Can You Solve My Problems?, Puzzle Ninja,Perilous Problems for Puzzle Lovers, and The Language Lover’s Puzzle Book, and he is also the coauthor of the coloring books Patterns of the Universe and Visions of the Universe. He has launched an elliptical pool table, LOOP. He writes a popular-math blog and a puzzle blog for the Guardian, and he won the Association of British Science Writers award for best science blog in 2016. He lives in London.

Rating: 4 stars out of 5.


This book has been provided courtesy of The Experiment via NetGalley without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

"A Higher Calling" (Harold Earls IV & Rachel Earls)

TITLE: A Higher Calling: Pursuing Love, Faith, and Mount Everest for a Greater Purpose
AUTHOR: Harold Earls IV & Rachel Earls
PUBLISHER: Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook, 2020, (224 pages)
This book is a beautiful love story about an army officer and a social media sensation.  Written like journal entries, the book details the lives of Harold Earls IV and Rachel Earls from courtship to marriage, and how their relationship survives and thrives through their various adventures. There is romance, spiritual lessons, adventures, travel, sports, mountain-climbing, missions, childbearing, and many enthralling stories to captivate the reader's attention. One of the most gripping parts of the book is about Harold's dangerous expedition up and down the treacherous Mount Everest. Apart from the magnificent scenes described, he tells us how the highest mountain in the world had become a deadly burial ground for many climbers. Harold prefaces each chapter with a journal entry from his Mount Everest climbing experience. 

The two authors alternate their thoughts throughout the book. They share about how they met, their common faith in God, their growing love for each other, and the dreams they want to achieve. After a period of long-distance relationship, they eventually married, only to be separated again because of the Mount Everest project. They share their marital challenges of being apart, the need for regular communication, and the crucial role of prayer in their relationship. Harold writes about his love for baseball, his endurance through army life,, especially his Ranger School stint, his mountaineering experience, and his constant expression of love for his wife. Not to be outdone, Rachel too has her own unique stories. She describes her days of vlogging, how she maintains a social media presence, her travels, and her roles as a supporting wife to Harold. 

This extraordinary couple gives us an intimate view of marriage and intimacy, faith and hope, life with purpose, and the constant dependence on God for all things. They do not claim to be superheroes of faith. Rather, they are ordinary people seeking to live beyond themselves, to reach out and make a difference whenever they can, wherever they are, and whomever they can touch. 

I leave with two words to describe this book: Exciting and Heartwarming. 

Captain Harold Earls IV is an active-duty Army officer currently serving as the Commander of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Harold is a graduate of West Point. He is a recipient of the Major General Smythe Leadership Award and is US Army Airborne/Ranger qualified.

Rachel Earls is a beloved vlogger, business owner, Army wife, and mother, and she is the founder of Earls Family Foundation. Rachel graduated cum laude from Florida State University, where she was heavily involved in service projects for organizations including the FSU Wesley Foundation and the Chi Omega sorority. 

Rating: 4 stars out of 5.


This book has been provided courtesy of WaterBrook via NetGalley without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

"Becoming by Beholding" (Lanta Davis)

TITLE: Becoming by Beholding: The Power of the Imagination in Spiritual Formation
AUTHOR: Lanta Davis
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024, (240 pages).
When young, our parents tell us fairy tales and other bedtime stories. In school, we learn through play and imagination. At home, we love watching cartoons with happy endings. Tales often begin with the familiar words "A Long time ago..." and end with that memorable phrase "... And they lived happily ever after." As we grow, imagination seems to take a backseat. Life then becomes a crazy rat race that leaves little room for imagination. Fantasies dissipate. Realities mandate. Imagination stagnate. Author Lanta Davis asserts that it is time to restore a healthy sense of imagination, in particular, to Christian Spiritual Formation. This is done by learning from our forefathers of the faith through tradition and the historical expressions of the faith. If we unearth the treasures of Christian artistic tradition, we can rediscover the rich legacies of the past. We can renew a fresh imagination to breathe creativity into our present world. We can also restore our understanding of identity and beyond. From an archeological dig into history and tradition, the author develops for us a three-pronged approach: "Right Belief," "Right Practice," and "Moral Character." 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

"Ezekiel" (Daniel A. Keating)

TITLE: Ezekiel: (A Catholic Bible Commentary on the New Testament by Trusted Catholic Biblical Scholars - CCSS) (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture)
AUTHOR: Daniel A. Keating
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024, (352 pages).
Compared to the New Testament, fewer people read the Old Testament. Those who read the Old Testament tend to avoid the prophetical books. Those who read the prophets tend to avoid the more "difficult" books. They prefer Isaiah, especially during Advent, or Jeremiah in times of lamentation.  Books like Ezekiel are not as popularly read or preached on. One reason might be due to the book not referenced directly or indirectly by the New Testament. Another reason might be due to the challenges of linking the ancient book to modern relevance. This commentary combines scholarship with practical applications based on Vatican II principles. One such principle is to use historical and literary methods to discern authorial intent. Another principle is to apply the meaning within the contexts of the whole Bible, tradition, and what it means for living faith. Written for pastors, teachers, ministry workers, and laypersons, this commentary checks out many boxes. It focuses on the meaning of the text for faith and Christian living. It minimizes the use of technical terms to benefit a wider readership. Instead of a verse-by-verse methodology, the commentary treats the book on a passage-by-passage basis. With clearly marked segmentations using the RSV (Second Catholic Edition, Ignatius) as a default translation, it is easy to use the book as a reference. Each chapter begins with the complete Bible text of the passages before the commentary. Some commentaries might save space by excluding biblical texts. However, I believe that including the text in the commentary is a subtle reminder to readers to read the text before the commentary.