AUTHOR: Greg Forster
PUBLISHER: Wheaton, IL: Crossway Publishers, 2019, (126 pages).
Christians are called to be good stewards of the world and her resources. Though believers are not of the world, they are still in the world. They have to live with the world systems that are in place. They need to work to make ends meet. They are expected to contribute to the well-being of the earth and the natural resources. Right theology is crucial because it leads to right care of the earth. The secular world often try to separate Christian beliefs from the world. Truth is, this is never possible simply because the world was never created to be secular in the first place. Christians believe that God created heaven and earth; and God had ordained mankind to take care of the earth. Unfortunately, sin had corrupted mankind and this has led to many troubles. In a world of plenty, we still have many swaths of poverty. When we are expected to share, we tend to hoard up resources for self. When we are called to care, we turn the other direction. What we need is a constructive and beneficial understanding of what economics are; what they are supposed to do; and how we are to go about cultivating a flourishing world economy that is anchored on the gospel and the goodness of God.