AUTHOR: Sharon Garlough Brown
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2021, (384 pages).
Hope. This world needs hope more than ever. Not only is the world we live in constantly changing, but we too are also changing. As we age, our perspectives, our physical abilities, and our perceptions of our needs will be strangely different. One can either resist the change for as long as possible or embrace change as soon as one can. The former reclines in fear while the latter nudges forward in hope. What better way to describe these transitions through a novel that spells out the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of change. Centering around the lives of three women, this book offers readers many insights into life transitions, losses, and love. Like birds that molt gradually, eventually, one has to face up to a "dramatic shedding of the old." Recognizing how many people are creatures of habit and largely resistant to change, sometimes, we just need to learn to let go and let God, as the popular saying goes. Katherine Rhodes (aka Kit) has been serving as spiritual director of "New Hope Retreat Center." She has helped many people through many spiritual retreats, giving wise guidance as well as spiritual direction. As she prepares to transition to retirement, she makes a bold request for the board to look for a replacement with a dramatically different skill set in order to keep up with the times. This might seem easy to say but to surrender the comfort zones of one's past successes to another is another challenge altogether. Katherine was bold to ask for an "upgrade" from what she could offer. The board managed to find a promising candidate who checked all the boxes. Whether it checks Katherine's insecurities remains to be seen. Even as she prepares to do her last retreat, she has to deal with requests for more retreats by her.