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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

"Feathers of Hope" (Sharon Garlough Brown)

TITLE: Feathers of Hope: A Novel
AUTHOR: Sharon Garlough Brown
PUBLISHER: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2021, (384 pages).

Hope. This world needs hope more than ever. Not only is the world we live in constantly changing, but we too are also changing. As we age, our perspectives, our physical abilities, and our perceptions of our needs will be strangely different. One can either resist the change for as long as possible or embrace change as soon as one can. The former reclines in fear while the latter nudges forward in hope. What better way to describe these transitions through a novel that spells out the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of change. Centering around the lives of three women, this book offers readers many insights into life transitions, losses, and love. Like birds that molt gradually, eventually, one has to face up to a "dramatic shedding of the old." Recognizing how many people are creatures of habit and largely resistant to change, sometimes, we just need to learn to let go and let God, as the popular saying goes. Katherine Rhodes (aka Kit) has been serving as spiritual director of "New Hope Retreat Center." She has helped many people through many spiritual retreats, giving wise guidance as well as spiritual direction. As she prepares to transition to retirement, she makes a bold request for the board to look for a replacement with a dramatically different skill set in order to keep up with the times. This might seem easy to say but to surrender the comfort zones of one's past successes to another is another challenge altogether. Katherine was bold to ask for an "upgrade" from what she could offer. The board managed to find a promising candidate who checked all the boxes. Whether it checks Katherine's insecurities remains to be seen. Even as she prepares to do her last retreat, she has to deal with requests for more retreats by her. 

Friday, February 18, 2022

"Colossians and Philemon" (Adam Copenhaver and Jeffrey D. Arthurs)

TITLE: Colossians and Philemon: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching
AUTHOR: Adam Copenhaver and Jeffrey D. Arthurs
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2022, (336 pages).
The Word of God is God's Message to us, which is one reason why a popular Bible paraphrase is entitled "The Message." The Greek word, "Kerux" is translated as "messenger or herald" of the message. With this as the main theme, the Kerux Commentary series aims to help us see the big idea of God's message in each passage of the Bible text. Written by two experts in their fields, this commentary combines the best of exegesis and homiletics, so as to benefit anyone seeking to do expository preaching of Paul's letters to the Colossians and to Philemon. These are two of the most important things needed for any teacher or preacher: Bible exegesis and homiletics. The former is for diligent study while the latter is for effective delivery. The two exercises need to go hand in hand. Good delivery requires adequate study of the text. A diligent study needs to consider how to deliver the message more accurately and clearly. 

Some of the other features include:
  • Overview of Preaching Passages
  • Detailed Introduction and Outline
  • Literary structure and themes
  • Preaching Pointers linking the ancient with modern times
  • A thorough exposition of the text
  • Sidebars of interesting and pertinent information for further background understanding
  • Appropriate charts
  • Theological focus
  • Contemporary ideas
  • Questions for study groups
  • etc.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

"A Time to Grow" (Kara Eidson)

TITLE: A Time to Grow
AUTHOR: Kara Eidson
PUBLISHER: Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2022, (126 pages).

When we read the gospels, there are two things that appear quite frequently in the life of Jesus: Food and Feast. Matthew, Mark, and Luke detail the parables related to sowing seeds. Mark collects several parables of Jesus that connect the seed parables with the kingdom of God. John structures his narrative according to the feast schedules (Passover, Purim, Tabernacles, etc). Using these metaphors, Jesus teaches us about faith and the kingdom of God. Taking a leaf from the gospels, author Kara Eidson introduces us to a unique way of observing the season of Lent. Inspired by her faith and her love for food, Eidson shares with us spiritual lessons from our everyday food choices. Lamenting at how a new generation who lives in cities is lacking a basic understanding of our favourite foods, she seeks to connect common produce with faith matters. Spurred by a desire to connect with her congregation familiar with rural living, she becomes more sensitized to the relationship between what we eat and where the food comes from. Written for small groups for use during the season of Lent, the purpose of this book is to make these connections more authentic in the hope that whenever we are eating or drinking with friends and family during mealtimes, we will be able to appreciate far beyond the food and faith relationship, and be guided toward gratitude the farming community who made it all possible, and ultimately to the One who had blessed us all: Our God in Heaven. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

"Turning Points in the Expansion of Christianity" (Alice T. Ott)

TITLE: Turning Points in the Expansion of Christianity: From Pentecost to the Present
AUTHOR: Alice T. Ott
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2022, (320 pages).

Ever since Mark Noll published his classic work "Turning Points" over two decades ago, it has become a popular framework to study the history of Christianity. Such "turning points" are essentially significant moments in time that have changed the course of history. In Noll's book, some significant moments include the Fall of Jerusalem (AD70); the Formation of the Council of Nicaea (AD325); the Monastic Period (AD530); the Coronation of Charlemagne (AD800); the Great Schism (AD1054); Rise of Protestantism (AD1521); The Second Vatican Council (AD1962-5); etc. These significant events helped shape the Church into what it is today. For all his valiant efforts, even Noll's latest edition of his classic only touches the tip of the iceberg of history. It will take many more volumes to uncover the multitudes of decisions that have shaped the many developments throughout the history of the Church. Using Noll's framework that covers events from AD70 to the 1970s, author and professor Alice Ott boldly apply the same methodology to events from Pentecost to the Present age. She defines her turning point as both the beginning of a "new trend" as well as the "climax and culmination" of mission work outreach. Some of the unique features in this book include:
  • Anecdote or illustration to introduce readers to the impact of the turning point
  • Five chapters cover Christian influence before the Protestant Reformation
  • Seven chapters cover the turning points after the rise of the Protestant movement
  • Additional material on East Syrian and Roman Catholic missionaries
  • Themes of missiology, theology, and history highlighted throughout the book
  • Methods and strategies for evangelization
  • ...

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

"Hollywood Heroes" (Frank Turek and Zach Turek)

TITLE: Hollywood Heroes: How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God
AUTHOR: Frank Turek and Zach Turek
PUBLISHER: Colorado Springs, CO: Tyndale House Publishers, 2022, (256 pages).
We watch a lot of movies. During a pandemic when most of us are either locked down, working from home, or simply spending more time isolated from the general public, we tend to stay indoors and in our leisure moments, watch even more movies While some of us simply want to be entertained, in the midst of searching for nice movies to watch, there is a little child inside each of us craving for hope. This heart desires to be inspired by heroic acts and heroes who could save the world. Whether fantasy or sci-fi, drama or romance, we all want something good to happen in this world. With the popularity of Marvel movies, characters from Justice League, and memorable personalities from Harry Potter, Lord-Of-The-Rings, etc, these superheroes have captivated our imagination about special powers and unique abilities. These are skills that the common person does not have. Spiderman can swing. Harry Potter casts spells. Batman has his special gadgets and the futuristic Star Wars gives us an out-of-this-world experience. Common to all movies described in this book is the hero who aids mankind with the accomplishment of the greater good, and often to save the world. This hero figure essentially tells us that fictional characters represent hope and inspiration in real life. Throughout these movies, there are many other lessons we could glean from, such as questions about the divine, ethical dilemmas, the reality of evil, the downfall of arrogance, the consequences of personal choices, and the sanctity of life. Authors Frank and Zach Turek assert that these movies actually reveal our desire for God. With an intrinsic sense of good battling evil, these stories speak of salvation, justice, senseless evil, and the eventual culmination of good. These superheroes and gallant protagonists often represent the inner human need for retribution against evil and the victory of the good. Yet, they assert that however heroic or virtuous each of these heroes may be, they are a far cry from the God of the Bible. This book is essentially about how these Hollywood heroes reveal our hearts' desires and how they ought to point us to the Greatest Hero of all: God.