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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"Heavenward" (Cameron Cole)

TITLE: Heavenward: How Eternity Can Change your Life on Earth
AUTHOR: Cameron Cole
PUBLISHER: Wheaton, IL: Crossway Publishers, 2024, (200 pages).

Life is difficult. For some, life is terribly cruel. In an honest lament after losing his firstborn, author Cameron Cole writes about the need for hope by cultivating a heavenward perspective of life. Linking personal experience with Scriptural teachings, he describes what heavenward means, who the book is for, and some ways to live with heavenly thoughts while on earth. Written in three sections, Section One begins with a description of what "heavenward" means for the Apostle Paul and for the rest of us. Using Paul as an example, Cole shows us from the Bible how heaven-mindedness transforms Paul's entire life. From Paul, Cole then moves to what it means in our present world. In top-down, we let the love of God from above motivate our earthly living. In bottom-up, he links earthly circumstances with a perspective of heavenward mindset. Another heavenward posture is through waiting.

Section Two looks at five different factors affecting Paul's heavenly outlook. The first is about seeing the coming of the Kingdom with Christ as the centre. The second is a powerful take on how the way to transform conventional earthly living with heavenward earthly living. Whether on earth or in heaven, we can live that eternity perspective and that changes everything. The third points moves this further along toward a target: Jesus. Heaven is less about a material place but more about that spiritual union with Christ. The fourth takes us even deeper toward seeing God for who He is. This glorious outlook is beyond understanding. Finally, the power of the Holy Spirit moves us to become heavenward people.

Monday, June 17, 2024

"Loving Your Adult Children" (Gaye B. Clark)

TITLE: Loving Your Adult Children: The Heartache of Parenting and the Hope of the Gospel
AUTHOR: Gaye B. Clark
PUBLISHER: Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2024, (176 pages).

Parenting is a life-long endeavour. Even though the means change over time, the nature of parental love will remain. When the children are dependants, parents take responsibility for them. Once they become adults, the way parents care for them will also have to change. As a parent myself, I often tell my friends that parenting is like flying a kite. When they are young, we hang on tightly when dangerous winds try to blow them off-course. As they grow older, we loosen our grip so that they can learn how to make their own decisions. Eventually, we need to let go of the kite completely as they embark upon the journey of adulthood. As the children become adults, the way parents love them will have to change accordingly. For author Gaye Clark, the primary goal of Christian parenting is to teach children to place their hopes in life on God alone through Jesus's finished work. When the children are young, parents pay and pray for their daily needs. When they become adults and become independent, parents can continue to love them by praying for them. Besides that, Clark shows us even more ways to love them. Putting first things first, if we want our children to have faith in God alone, we need to practice what we are going to preach. The way to love our children is essentially to lead by example. We do this through the practice of faith, repentance, grace, hope, Church, patience, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Peace, and Love.

Monday, June 10, 2024

"Deep Reading" (Rachel B. Griffis, Julie Ooms, & Rachel M. De Smith Roberts)

TITLE: Deep Reading: Practices to Subvert the Vices of Our Distracted, Hostile, and Consumeristic Age
AUTHOR: Rachel B. Griffis, Julie Ooms, & Rachel M. De Smith Roberts
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2024, (240 pages).
Recently, there has been a swath of books about reading, good reading. Since Mortimer Adler's classic on "How to Read a Book," there has been various additions from various authors like Robert Alter, Jeffrey Bilbro, Harold Bloom, Susan Gallagher & Roger Lundin, Alan Jacobs, Karen Swallow Prior, Jessica Hooten Wilson, etc. This book is a compelling addition to this library of excellent perspectives on reading. It is a treasure to behold. The key thesis in this book is that reading is a powerful mechanism for spiritual formation. Before embarking on this journey, there are three major impediments to overcome: Distraction, Hostility, and Consumerism. The way to achieve deep reading is to adopt practices to subvert these three vices. Otherwise, we become vulnerable to the ills of technology, adopt superficial reading, and lose the opportunity to grow the virtues of good reading. This book asks and probes not just the things we read but also questions surrounding who we are, why we read, and how we are reading. In other words, readers will not only be reminded about the need for deeper reading skills, they will recognize how modern culture is impacting general reading habits. These are warnings to be heeded wisely. We ignore them at our peril. The authors ask some poignant questions such as: