AUTHOR: Priscilla Shirer
PUBLISHER: Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing, 2011, (276 pages).
After reading the "Resolution for Men," I keep thinking if there is also an equivalent set of challenges for the female folks as well. This book fills in the gap. Amazingly, it is indeed an excellent companion. If husbands read the men's resolutions, it will be especially helpful if wives read this book at the same time. There are some similarities with the men's version. Firstly, there is a one-page resolution specifically for women, albeit with 13 resolutions compared with 12 for the men's version. This does not mean the ladies do more. It is simply the author's way of making her points clearer with regards to what the women of God can resolve to do. Secondly, both books are companion volumes to the COURAGEOUS movie (Sherwood Pictures) and COURAGEOUS LIVING book (Michael Catt). Thirdly, both books are attempts to raise the bar for self. The best way to challenge oneself is to keep the bar high enough to motivate us to be excellent people. Finally, just like 'Resolutions for Men,' each chapter ends with a specific challenge. Theory must be put into practice.
Unlike the men's version, Shirer is a little more delicate in the motivational aspect. The Men's version has a lot more of recognizing the call for men, and the need for men to respond to this call. It is somewhat a more direct, goal-getter, target setting style. The Women's version goes a little deeper in terms of being more indirect, more explanatory, and more questions for personal reflection. The Men's version has relatively more imperative challenges, and a proactive approach to working out the challenges. The women's version has challenges too, but proceeds in a more contemplative manner. The Men's version has a greater amount of telling and showing one what to do. The Women's version dwells a little more on explaining, convincing, and a lot of story telling to move the soul.
I appreciate the way that Shirer explains the need for resolutions. The chapter 'The Resolution Revolution' is such a necessary exhortation for a culture that seems to be overly dismissive about any need for making resolutions in the first place. I wish the Men's version had the same chapter. Part One carefully establishes the need for women to understand their sense of who they are biblically. Part Two reminds the readers to recognize what they have, to devote to God's priorities for their lives; to bless others; to forgive; and to learn to care and to live a life of integrity before God and people. Part Three focuses on the specific responsibilities as wives, as female workers, as mothers, and to learn to live a life of grace, and to leave a life of legacy.
This book has set a high bar for women. It is beneficial for men to read this book as well, not only to understand the women's perspective, but also because a lot of advice in it applies to men as well. For any reader, if you read this book, be prepared to be charged up, and to be changed from the inside.
Rating: 5 stars of 5.
"Book has been provided courtesy of David C Cook and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from B&H Publishing Group".
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