AUTHOR: Walter Brueggemann
PUBLISHER: Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2020, (265 pages).
In an ideal situation, truth speaks to power. Truth overcomes everything every time. Truth reigns supreme. However, the world we live in is imperfect and unjust. Power often tramples any rising heads of truth. As a result, those who are weak, vulnerable, and powerless would be abused and disadvantaged. As author Brueggemann points out, none is as stark as what happened to Jesus on the way to the cross. Jesus spoke truth but the world spewed violence and inflicted wounds on Him. In spite of the grievous injustice, Christ rose again from the dead, giving all believers the reason to hope. In what is thought to be the last piece of work by the esteemed Old Testament professor, this book is a call for believers to rise up in spite of unjust and cruel trampling of the truth. With an eye on present day politics in America, a growing divide between the haves and have-nots; the powerful and the weak; and the deepening fission across all sectors of society, Brueggemann calls for an audacity to engage society boldly. It begins with Scripture. It continues with reflections on how some spiritual voices in the past have spoken up on the ills of society. It concludes with Brueggemann's exhortation for believers to stand up and be counted as contemporary voices who will be fearless in truth-speaking and Christ-bearing. He calls it a witness resembling the "prophetic tradition of Jeremiah."
Beginning with Scriptures, the author anchors each article on an Old Testament passage. From the book of Daniel, he shows us how we could tackle "alien hegemony" without losing our "baptismal identity." The prophet faces three royal confrontations, and each time he demonstrates a faith that is "entrusted, empowered, and knowledgeable." From the Psalms, he proposes "dialogic thickness" to nuance different perspectives of the same matter. He draws out an amazing "dialogic thickness" from the Psalms of lament, arguing that the "public processing of pain" can in fact be marvelously used toward "positive energy." Put it simply, it is an invitation to dialogue, with others and with our inner voices. From Isaiah, he reflects upon Helmut Richard Niebuhr's commencement speech at Elmhurst College for graduates to engage culture and not compromise. There are things that could be cultivated when the young are in college. On knowledge and college education, he takes the "knowledge is power" paradigm and warns about on how some manipulate this toward self-serving ways. We cannot claim to know God as if we ourselves are God. Holistic education involves the capacity to know with ample wisdom to help us discern the appropriate from the inappropriate. From the legacy of King Solomon, we are warned about the corruption that comes out of the marriage of religion and politics. Navigating these extremes of certitude is a required skill among leaders today. Brueggemann highlights other observations of culture and how faith could impact our witness to it. In a culture of secularism and anti-religious rhetoric, we need to be careful not to mine the Bible for nuggets to support our public policies. Otherwise, we head toward the direction of the vicious Assyrians and Babylonians who brutalized the Jews. When forced to choose between the "narrative of hope" or the "narrative of fear," we should let the former guide the way. Brueggemann speaks against materialism and the way we sway our theological and political viewpoints toward what benefits us economically. On unity, I am struck by Bruggemann's comment that "preaching that concerns the unity of the church must be dialogical preaching." That is indeed true. The moment we let our own views solidify into obstinate positions, we no longer leave room for negotiation toward unity.
Brueggemann also takes inspiration from three contemporary voices. From the Barmen confession, we are reminded of how the Barmen during WWII confronted mainstream Christian leaders who failed to see the problem with Nazi socialism. From the Kairos confession in South Africa, we see how Christians spoke up against apartheid. From the letters from Birmingham, Brueggemann shows us how Martin Luther King Jr was able to stir up "fence-sitters" to make a stand against the injustice happening in civil society. When this metamorphosed into some form of certitude to the level of doctrinal truth, it becomes a moral nightmare.
My Thoughts
Brueggemann has written another book that combines the richness of biblical literature, the pleas of contemporary voices, and the desire to make our society a more inclusive and accepting place to live in. Attitudes of certitude will only alienate those who don's share our points of view. He combs the Old Testament widely for moments we can learn about how to be a prophetic witness. On the richness of Bible, Brueggemann is particularly well-versed in the Old Testament genres. From the Torah to the Prophets; from history to the wisdom books, there is always some relevance we can draw from the ancient biblical texts. He also draws from the New Testament books to show us the timeless magnitude of biblical witness to the world. Using contemporary voices such as the Barmen, the Kairos, and the letter from Birmingham jail, to show the precedence of Christians speaking out against Nazi deceptions, against unjust apartheid, against racial discrimination respectively.
Brueggemann uses these familiar situations to cast alongside our modern conflicts. Do we choose the gospel or wear a gospel-like cloak to disguise our own sense of economic pragmatism? Are we manipulating the Bible as a form of "moral cover" to support our own self-serving interests? Are we using our own human-based ideologies to interpret biblical truth? Brueggemann's conviction is for us to preach, to teach, and to witness with urgency that faith is not just relevant but vital to stop further fragmentation of society based on untruths and to live with an attitude of trusting God.
Readers will also find many insights of modern cultural challenges and how biblical witness can speak into our lives today. For instance, prayer is relevant for us today and is a valid witness of our biblical faith. It is a way in which we love our neighbour. The author links prayer and justice together by explaining how they are central to the meaning of covenant. Prayer is that plea of lament that is mournful of the present state of brokenness, but mindful of a great future that is to come. He speaks on immigration and the need for inclusiveness. He has insights on education, on politics, on secularism, on Church unity, sin, suffering, poetry, the arts, white supremacy, xenophobia, racial bigotry, despotic leadership, and many more. This book will be a reference to be treasured for a long time.
If you are a fan of Brueggemann, buying this book is a no-brainer. If you are not, this book might make you one.
Rating: 4.75 stars of 5.
This book has been provided courtesy of Westminster John Knox Press and NetGalley without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.
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