AUTHOR: Mike Novotny
PUBLISHER: Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2020, (192 pages).
Is God far away? How can we experience God more intimately? All you need are three words: "God is Here." Sounds too good to be true? Perhaps, but author and pastor Mike Novotny has creatively used this phrase as a powerful catchphrase to connect us with our relationship with God. It is simple and easy to follow. Before that, he shows us some "life killers" that could derail us from properly following God. Some of these warnings include treating God like some kind of a distant "vague higher power." Some people are mystified when they think about God. In fact, many young people don't even think about God when asked about their life goals. They don't even live with any thoughts of God as they make their life decisions. Apart from thinking God as some distant irrelevant being, the other danger is to see God as some future celestial coming, which is another way of pushing away God's relevance in our lives. For if God is only God of the future and not for the present, then is He really God? Another mistake is to see God as relevant for others but not for us. This is a sad misreading. With Novotny putting to death the three erroneous "life killers," we are set to see God as Someone who is here for us now, in the present, and also in the future. God is here always. The author shares about how Ps 73 saved him and guided him to a deeper and personal relationship with God. God is bigger than any of our problems. Our biggest problem is that we don't think much of God in the first place. This needs to be corrected because it is simply not true. The Lord's Prayer is a reminder to us that we pray to a Living God who is here. Otherwise, that prayer has no meaning.
Novotny expounds "God is Here" by taking us through three expositions. He expounds this phrase first by focusing on "God." All things depend and hinges on God's existence. That is why he uses the word "this" to remind himself and us that all of life is because of this: God. He then moves on the "God is" to extend our thoughts of God from the present to the future. Just like God has been faithful in the past, He too will be faithful in the future. The trouble with many people is that they put their hopes on temporal things in this world. That is how they get anxious about many things. Some suffer from "Obsessive Comparison Disorder" when they cannot keep up with the Joneses. Other fear losing out so much that they worked themselves to exhaustion, thinking that if there is a God, that this God only helps those who help themselves. None of these things are true. Once we learn how to take our refuge in God, we have many ways to feel joyful and thankful. Novotny highlights how such an attitude would bring about joy, hope, peace, fearlessness, gratitude, selflessness, boldness, and obedience. Finally, he shows us the full "God is Here" promise that presence with God is most desirable and most meaningful. This is something many Christians miss out when they focus more on themselves and push God out.
My Thoughts
Throughout the book, Novotny tries to show us that God is more relevant to us than we may think. What he does well is dispelling the notion of God being a distant and uninterested Being. That is why he spends time pointing out the erroneous thoughts surrounding many people today. We live in a secular world and many have become more influenced by the world instead of the Word of God. Thankfully, we have authors like Novotny who try their best to help us see God's relevance in more ways than one. Plus, he does it so simply that many readers ought to be able to relate to his observations, his experiences, and his teachings. The theological word for God's presence is God's Incarnation in Christ. In Hebrew, the word "panim" means face, and when we think of being face to face with God. Not only is Novotny face to face with us in terms of helping us move toward a deeper and more personal relationship, he shows us how he practiced the presence of God.
One example was how he reacted when he received a negative email. He would close his email, and visualize God. Focusing on the grace and mercies of what Jesus had done at the cross, and how God's Word had been so faithful, he directs his focus away from the problems of this world, toward the reality of God's presence. "God is Here" makes him feel understood. It helps him realize that he is never alone. Not "feeling" His presence does not mean He is absent. In fact, taking time out to be quiet and to meditate on the Bible does more than we could ever imagine. This is no trick mind games. It is real. The author has professed it. We are encouraged to try it. Many believers past and present can attest to the reality. If we have not, give ourselves a chance. Kudus to the author for boldly sharing about the reality and relevance of God in a world that often push back against such spirituality.
Mike Novotny is a co-pastor at The CORE, is the lead speaker for the media ministry Time of Grace, and serves as the chairman of Conquerors Through Christ. Mike lives with his wife and children in Appleton, Wisconsin.
Rating: 4 stars of 5.
This book has been provided courtesy of Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.
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