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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

"Manifold Beauty of Genesis 1" (Gregg Davidson and Kenneth J. Turner)

TITLE: The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One: A Multi-Layered Approach
AUTHOR: Gregg Davidson and Kenneth J. Turner
PUBLISHER: Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic, 2021, (224 pages).
How do we interpret the Book of Genesis? Is it more than simply a narrative of creation? Is it a literary description or can we read it literally? How can anyone in the 21st Century understand the context of such an ancient manuscript? While most Christians agree that the Bible is inspired by God, there are wide variances in terms of understanding the meaning of infallibility and the degree of inspiration. Many relationships have been sorely tested due to disagreements over interpretation. That has led to conflicts and in some cases, divorces. Often, the disputes arise from a desire to find that one-size-fits-all interpretation. Such a paradigm locks one in a win-less situation that forsakes all other perspectives for the sake of one's preferred interpretation. What if we say Genesis 1 may contain "layers of Truth" instead of a mere one layer? Every layer reveals more of the Truth in God's Word. Professors Gregg Davidson and Ken Turner come together to propose seven layers of Truth when reading Genesis 1. They admit they would not be dogmatic about it, but welcomes our consideration of the manifold beauty of the text. They urge readers to avoid mixing up our cultural norms with the ancient contexts. Readers too need to be aware that a deeper understanding of the Word comes not from random or cursory readings but from years of study and reflection. This is important because the problem with our understanding often lies not in the text per se but in the condition of our hearts. Together with recent archaeological discoveries, our attitude ought to be expanding our understanding instead of solely replacing what we have learned in the past. A key criterion that requires explanation is the affirmation of The Chicago Statement of Biblical Inerrancy Article 18, which affirms that "the text of Scripture is to be interpreted by grammatico-historical exegesis, taking account of its literary forms and devices, and that Scripture is to interpret Scripture.” Taking care to ensure conformity, the authors who both concurred with this affirmation to nuance this without compromising the essence of the statement. By adopting the complementary approach. they hope that not only will we experience the "grandeur and beauty of the creation story," there is be greater unity among all believers. This can be done by deeper engagement with one perspective without the necessity to dumb down others. This can be done through discerning whether the texts concerned are used as literary devices or to be understood literally; differentiating the cultural norms of today versus the ancient times, and symbolism vs plain reading. These principles are applied to the seven layers of understanding the first chapter of the creation narrative. These are:
  1. Song: Looking at patterns and literary devices
  2. Analogy: Seeing parallels to highlight the Truth
  3. Polemic: Countering pagan religions and alternative creation narratives
  4. Covenant: Comparing biblical covenants with other treaties
  5. Temple: God's dwelling place vs paganistic practices in the Ancient Near East
  6. Calendar: Understanding seasons, dates, times
  7. Land: Understanding the significance of the use of Eden
My Thoughts
This is an excellent work that showcases a variety of approaches in interpreting one of the most profound chapters of the Bible. Many people merely read it at a cursory level, thinking that Genesis 1 is just about how God created the world. This one-dimensional thinking will not do enough justice to the beauty and eloquence of the creation narrative. Like a ray of light passing through a triangular prism to disperse the spectrum of colours, Davidson and Turner have given us a model to see Genesis 1 through the spectrum of multiple layers of understanding. Every layer is beautiful in itself. Supported by archaeological findings and guided by theological principles, the authors boldly explored the depths of the texts from the various layers to show us how much we can learn from Genesis. I applaud the authors for giving us this tool to help us nuance the meaning of the creation narrative, showing us a deeper appreciation for what God has given us. 

Anticipating objections to their layers of truth, the authors have also included some of their responses to these questions. What makes it more powerful is how we learn about each layer revealing God's character. God is Artist, Farmer, the One and Only, the Covenant Keeper, the Presence, Sabbath and Redeemer, and how all of these are expressed through the person of Jesus Christ. I like the way the authors synthesize these layers together in Christ, giving us a comprehensive view that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. This book can open up opportunities for discussion and learning for groups wanting to study Genesis more in-depth. 

Finally, have the authors shown us the beauty of the text? Most definitely. The model sheds multiple lights on how to read and understand Genesis without compromising or contradicting theological principles. Will the model bring about greater unity? I believe so. This book is another must read resource for anyone interested in the study of Genesis.

Gregg Davidson (PhD, University of Arizona) is a professor and chair of the School of Geology and Geological Engineering at the University of Mississippi. His other works include Friend of Science, Friend of Faith.

Kenneth J. Turner (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is professor of Old Testament and biblical languages at Toccoa Falls College. His other works include The Death of Deaths in the Death of Israel.            

Rating: 4.75 stars of 5.


This book has been provided courtesy of Kregel Academic without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.

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